Who We Are

New Breed School Of Art

Welcome to the New Breed School of Art: the film academy, where we believe in unleashing the potential of the next generation of Nigerian filmmakers. In an industry that has experienced unprecedented growth, we understand the need to bridge the gap between aspiring filmmakers and the high level of professionals and professionalism already established in the field.

At New Breed School of Art, we are passionate about discovering, developing, and deploying future filmmakers who will stand shoulder to shoulder with the best in the industry. We recognize that the film industry is evolving rapidly, with new technologies and programming reshaping the landscape. Our mission is to equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Our academy is more than just a place to learn filmmaking; it is a creative haven where you can explore, experiment, and push the boundaries of your imagination. We foster an environment that encourages you to learn, unlearn, and relearn the art of filmmaking. We believe that true growth comes from constantly challenging yourself and embracing new ideas and techniques.

Our experienced faculty consists of industry professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. Through a blend of practical exercises, hands-on workshops, and theoretical teachings, we provide you with a comprehensive education that covers every aspect of filmmaking. From scriptwriting and directing to cinematography and editing, our curriculum is designed to nurture your talents and develop your skills.

Join us at New Breed School of Art and embark on a transformative journey that will shape you into a competent and visionary filmmaker. We are committed to empowering you with the necessary tools and know-how to succeed in the Nigerian film industry and beyond. Together, let’s create a new breed of filmmakers who will make their mark on the world stage.


“A film academy is like a treasure trove of knowledge, where aspiring filmmakers can immerse themselves in the art and craft of cinema.” 

- Denzel Washington
Newbreed School Of Art At A Glance
Current Enrollments
0 +
Qualified Staff
0 +
Academy Projects
Our Dream

To raise new breed of creative minds in this generation without greed and also to set them on a pedestal of becoming independent and significant to bring about the emergence of and/or growing Nigerian Film Industry. To raise a new generation of job creators and solution providers in the creative industry.

Reason For The Academy

  • The real question is why not. We have one of the most improved film industries in Africa and dare we say the world, but just as we lack the right growing budding personnel to take us to the next level. Hence why this academy was formed.
  • We intend to create an atmosphere for pure undiluted learning experience for our students.
  • We tend to equip them with the right knowledge of how things are done in our ever-growing industry.
  • Be it as a director, writer, makeup/special effects artist, costume designer, production designer, and as a producer.