
Craft Compelling Narratives and Shape the Story with the New Breed School of Editing!

Are you fascinated by the art of editing and its ability to shape the narrative and evoke emotions? Do you dream of piecing together footage to create impactful stories? Look no further than the New Breed School of Editing, where you’ll unlock the power of post-production and refine your skills as a storyteller.

Why Choose EDITING @ NBSA: the artistry academy?

  1. Expert Faculty: Learn from a team of experienced industry professionals who have mastered the art of editing. Our instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from film, television, and digital media, ensuring that you receive top-notch training from those who have crafted compelling narratives.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: Immerse yourself in a comprehensive curriculum that covers the technical and creative aspects of editing. Learn industry-standard software, explore different editing techniques, and delve into the principles of storytelling, rhythm, and pacing. Develop your artistic voice as an editor and gain the skills to enhance the emotional impact of a story.
  3. Hands-on Experience: Dive into practical, hands-on experiences that allow you to apply your knowledge and refine your editing skills. Work on real projects, from short films to documentaries, and collaborate with filmmakers and directors to bring their visions to life. Gain proficiency in using industry-standard editing software and learn to navigate the post-production workflow.
  4. Industry Connections: Benefit from our strong industry connections and network with professionals in the field of editing. Our school facilitates opportunities to connect with editors, directors, and post-production houses through workshops, guest lectures, and industry events. Showcase your talent and forge connections that can lead to exciting career prospects.
  5. Holistic Approach: At the New Breed School of Editing, we believe in nurturing your technical skills while also fostering your artistic growth and storytelling abilities. Our supportive environment encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and the exploration of innovative editing techniques.

Craft Compelling Narratives. Shape the Storytelling Landscape.

Don’t let your passion for editing go unnoticed. Enroll in the New Breed School of Editing today and embark on a transformative journey that will refine your skills and ignite your creative vision. Limited spots are available, so secure your place among the new breed of talented editors.


  • Hand-on, practical based.
  • Opportunity to intern with a seasoned industry practitioner and production house.
  • Opportunity to feature as a talent or crew in a sister company ongoing or upcoming production.
  • Gain experience on a location set and/or studio.
"Editing is like solving a puzzle, finding the perfect arrangement of shots to create a seamless and compelling story." - Rita Dominic

Rita Dominic